It’s an important and remarkable day for Belleli Energy and for Mantova. Belleli New Heavy Transport 2000 ton barge rolls out of production facilities towards the river.

With dimensions of 12m x 80m and 2000 Ton lifting/transport capacity with a fully automated ballasting system is the first ship of this kind to operate in Italian Internal waters.

This equipment will further boost Belleli capabilities and flexibility on super-heavy Reactors and Equipment and will also allow transport of several equipment at the same time.

The Ship has been tailor made and has been entirely conceived, engineered and built by Belleli in house with own resources. A further demonstration of world-class capabilities both in engineering and craftmanship that is going to provide a further differentiation tool to attract more and more challenging Projects.

Belleli Energy CEO Mr. Paolo Fedeli comments “It is an immense satisfaction for our people to frontline complexity, this ship is going to be a game changer in our capabilities and flexibility. We did it”.