The fifth edition of the professional course for young welders organized by Belleli Energy CPE is aiming to join 30 young volunteers. Only commitment and reliability are required in order to get the opportunity to professionally grow up in an historic Italian company working in an international environment. The company, leader in the pressure equipment industry and in the manufacturing of technological equipment for nuclear fusion as well as critical and advanced long lead items, intends to offer jobs and career opportunities to young people.
Requirements: young and willing people aged between 18 and 26, residing within a maximum range of forty kilometers from the city of Mantua and from the company headquarters. Candidates may come from technical schools (professional and technical institutes), must be healthy, have a standard body mass index, must not wear glasses and do not have allergies to dust.
First step: a professional training course.
The career will be established step by step on a meritocratic basis. Young people will be chosen through a selection of several steps, aimed at gradual integration into the workforce. Priority will be given to whomever included in Law 68/99 list (impaired people or protected categories) that still conforms to the aforementioned requirements.
To access the selection please send your resume in Europass format at, indicating the subject “course application” or deliver printed CV to Belleli Energy’s headquarters:
C.A. Uff. del Personale
Via Taliercio nr. 1
47100 Mantova (MN).
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