On April 22nd  2021, Belleli completed at Marghera Port, Italy the delivery of the equipment to be installed at the Shell Scotford Refinery located in Alberta, Canada.

The set of items, 1nr Shift Reactor and 6nr Heat Exchangers, were fabricated in Mantova, Italy and will be required for major turnaround activities planned for Q3-2021 to replace existing units that exhausted their planned life cycle and required a thorough design review to comply with the latest engineering standards and up to date material requirements.

The equipment after a fabrication time of 16months will be transported across the Atlantic ocean, to the port of Houston Tx, where they will be then trucked to the Shell Scotford Manufacturing Complex after an 8 weeks multimodal transit.

Belleli confirms its strategical position as a manufacturing world leader to support major oil, refinery and petrochemical players for the supply of of critical process equipment for new and existing process units.